Alan Rasmussen

"Upon graduating from Princeton's Westminster Choir College in 1979, my Father started a Family Business selling plastics to Injection Molders & Extruders of which, I was hired as President to run, for the next 22 years ! I continued to sing at Princeton's Trinity Episcopal Church Men & Boys choir for an additional 4 more years, which included doing various services, concerts & recordings and participating in a Holland, Germany & England tour singing concerts in cathedrals. The opportunity arose for me to audition for NY Symphony's NY Choral Artists, which opened the door to singing & recording with Musica Sacra, Amor Artists, Voices of Ascension, Pro Arte Singers, Essential Voices, the RCA Victor singers and more. For 35 + years, I sang in multiple Live at Lincoln Center broadcasts with incredible Conductors and Soloists, singing on the Today show, participating in 3 recordings of Chain Gang songs & Spirituals with Pam Smith, accompanying Andrea Boccelli as a 12 voice backup chorus on the David Letterman show, singing & recording with Dave Brubeck, performing in all of the 9-11 memorial services & concerts including the Yankee Stadium memorial service, etc, etc.

In 1986, I was hired to supplement the Bass section of St Barnabas Church's Choir for a Bach B Minor Mass concert, & Michael Roush hired me after that.......and the rest is history !!

I thank God for the gift of song that I was blessed with, with all of the many musical concerts, recordings, and relationships I was lucky to participate in, all of which fed my musical & spiritual soul for many years. I am also extremely Blessed to continue singing to the Glory of God at St Barnabas, with a new chapter of music making with Marnus Greyling, as our Music Director & Organist !"