God came to serve. So do we.
One of the chief messages of the New Testament is that God came in Jesus not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45). We can grow in our relationship with God by doing likewise, serving with others in worship and in the world.

Sunday Ministries
Make Sunday happen at St. Barnabas by volunteering as a reader, usher, Eucharistic minister. Prepare the altar with the altar guild. Or provide food for everyone's favorite 15-minute party: coffee hour!

Children's Church
Get in on the fun in Children's Church by helping our team corral kids in the chapel. Lessons are led by the family ministry team, but be prepared to dig into crafts, sing at the top of your lungs, and in general, have the time of your life.

Pacific House
Once a month we serve dinner at a men's shelter in Stamford called Pacific House. You can sign up to provide food for the meal or to serve. Every time, we have loads of fun in the kitchen and chatting with the guys.
Questions about volunteering?
All our ministries welcome new people any time. Please don't hesitate to be in touch.