St. Barnabas loves our young people, and we prioritize them in the life of our congregation. Starting in the fall of 2024, St. Barnabas is launching YC (Youth Church), a new program for youth ages 9-13. Youth 14+ are invited to participate in the program as a Youth Minister (YM) and serve alongside Rev. Phoebe. Please contact her if your teen is interested in this leadership opportunity.

YC (Youth Church)
Join us at 10 am Sunday mornings in the new youth room, just down the hall from children’s church. YC is a youth group that meets during church. There will be prayer, fellowship, faith formation, and fun. Contact Rev. Phoebe for more information.

Movie Night
We regularly host movie nights for youth and families in the Parish Hall, featuring appearances by Val and friends. We take care of dinner!

Liturgical Leadership
We believe in empowering our young people to worship God and serve their community through liturgical leadership. If your 9+ child is interested in being a reader, acolyte, or crucifer, please contact Rev. Phoebe.

Music for Youth
St. Barnabas has re-started its traditional chorister program for youth grade 3 and up. Contact Marnus, our director of music, if you are interested!
Youth and families are always welcome at St. Barnabas. On Sundays when YC takes place, parents drop off their kids at 10AM at the YC, down the hall from Children's Church (just ask our ushers for directions). Parents are then invited to join the congregation for worship in the church while their youth have some fun and faith formation of their own. Youth rejoin their families in the church at the Peace, before Communion.
Youth are always welcome in church. Ask the ushers for Sadie's Activity Sheet to have some extra fun during the service. Please also reach out to Rev. Phoebe if your 9+ child is interested in serving as a reader, acolyte or crucifier.
Youth are always welcome in church. Ask the ushers for Sadie's Activity Sheet to have some extra fun during the service. Please also reach out to Rev. Phoebe if your 9+ child is interested in serving as a reader, acolyte or crucifier.