Dust and Destiny
Much is made these days of “psychological resilience.” In his message for Ash Wednesday, Father Justin reminds us that true resilience goes beyond coping mechanisms. It's about embracing a new reality taking root in us by God's transformative, saving action. In 2 Corinthians, St. Paul enjoins followers of Jesus not to lose heart, even when our outer nature is wasting away. He encourages us to focus, instead, on the renewal of our inner nature and the promise of eternal glory which God has secured for us in Christ. Keeping things in perspective and holding onto God’s promises can keep us from losing heart, no matter what life throws at us. Lent is an invitation not to grin and bear it but to rest in and cherish the good news that, in Christ, God has saved the world.
Much is made these days of “psychological resilience.” In his message for Ash Wednesday, Father Justin reminds us that true resilience goes beyond coping mechanisms. It's about embracing a new reality taking root in us by God's transformative, saving action. In 2 Corinthians, St. Paul enjoins followers of Jesus not to lose heart, even when our outer nature is wasting away. He encourages us to focus, instead, on the renewal of our inner nature and the promise of eternal glory which God has secured for us in Christ. Keeping things in perspective and holding onto God’s promises can keep us from losing heart, no matter what life throws at us. Lent is an invitation not to grin and bear it but to rest in and cherish the good news that, in Christ, God has saved the world.